Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

My First HootUp as Hootsuite Campus Ambassador

Dear all fellow Hootsuite Campus Ambassador,

First of all, i'm so sorry about the late posting on my blog,
Few days ago, i have been successful to held my first #HootUp, together with all members of HIPMI (Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia); an organization for young entrepreneur in Indonesia. And it was so exciting, because most of them haven't known yet about Hootsuite. So, it is my challenge as a Hootsuite Campus Ambassador  to spread and indroduce Hootsuite as social media dashbord which can streamline their values and times.Furthermore, some of them haven't known yet about any social media tools. So, they asked me to hold the second #HootUp as soon as possible.

parikesit hootsuite campus ambassador

At that time, actually i've planned to invite Ms. Stephanie to had a live streaming, talked about Hootsuite to the audience.But, unfortunately, it could't be happen because of bad internet connection. And i'm so sorry to wake up Ms Stephanie for the inconvenience.

So, here it is, my first post about my activity as Hootsuite Campus Ambassador. I can't wait and so exciting about my plan to held the next #HootUp.
Will coming up with more exciting story, stay tune...

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